Michel-Henry, an important painter in French contemporary art, and often compared to Fantin-Latour.It is Michel-Henry’s unique post impressionist style, fused with an almost surrealistic overlay, which exhibits his singular ability to orchestrate, clarity, balance, and strong visual impact. His work is further distinguished by blending delicate tones and strong accents into his luminous compositions of flower still life, landscapes and seascapes.
Since 1952, his work has been singled out for France’s highest prizes and awards, including the coveted Grand Prix de Jeunes of the Nationale de Beaux Art society (1965) which is the highest achievement for a French painter. The Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris, The French Government, the Museum of Valence, the Museum of Bogotá and the Museum of Alencon are among the prestigious institutions that have acquired his work for their permanent collections. Born in Langres in 1928, the aspiring artist attended the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He later studied with Narbonne, Georg, Chapelain-Midy and Leguelt. In 1957 he became a member of the House of Descartes in Amsterdam, and the following year was named member of the Casa Velasquez in Madrid, honors which are quite exceptional for a young artist. He is a member of the Salon d’Automne as well as a member of its jury. In addition to exhibiting in the Salon de la Societe Nationale des Beau-Arts, the Salon Comparaisons, and the Salon Terres Latines, in 1976 Michel-Henry shared in the honor of presenting the Salon d’Automne exhibition in Japan. As a French artist whose works are known internationally, Michel-Henry, over a period of more than thirty years has earned the status of Goodwill Ambassador in the universal world of cultural exchanges. For his dedication and unselfish contributions to art and artists from every country, his country honored him by awarding him the prestigious la Croix de Chevalier do la Legion d’Honneur by the Minister of Culture Mr. Jean-Philippe Lecat.